eCert Submit Overview

Modified on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 12:29 by Administrator — Categorized as: eCert Submit

The eCert Submit submission method is based on sending Certificates of Origin and supporting export documents to and from your chamber as PDFs. A document saved as a PDF is an internationally recognised standard for sending documents electronically and usually in an email as an attached file.

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There are two types of Certificate of Origin templates when using eCert Submit:

1. Supplied by your chamber - Your chamber has supplied an approved template and includes their chamber logo and address.

 • For chamber supplied editable PDF - enter the export details save as PDF and then Submit.

 • For chamber supplied word processing or spread sheet templates - enter the export details and you must save as PDF before you Submit. You can use free software like PDF Creator to convert the saved template to PDF.

2. Created by eCertify - eCertify has created the Certificate of Origin as an editable PDF.

 • Where the editable eCertify PDF templates do not show the chamber logo or address details they are applied automatically when you Submit. This approach enables eCertify to use one template for many chambers and eCertify knows which chamber you selected.

For editable eCertify PDF templates, please choose the country of export first and then choose the required Non Preferential or Preferential Certificate of Origin: